The Moral Character of Jesus
The New Testament, so far as proof of this kind goes, furnishesus with facts and circumstances which make strongly against the moralcharacter of Jesus. Beside the general duplicity which characterizeshis answers to the multitude, he is guilty also of sending hisdisciples secretly to take and carry away a colt which did not belongeither to him or his disciples. The doing of such an act in moderntimes would be denominated theft, even by pious Christiansthemselves. He is guilty of sowing the seeds of domestic and nationalwarfare, and declaring that no man could be his disciple withouthating his father and his mother; and also that he came not to sendpeace but a sword. If any man at the present day were to entersociety with actions and avowed intentions of this kind, he would beconsidered as an enemy to moral virtue, and deserving of thatpunishment which domestic justice and public tranquillity required.It is in vain to applaud the conduct and opinions of Jesus, when thesame conduct and opinions applied to another being would beconsidered as criminal, and hostile to the best interests of humanexistence.
--Elihu Palmer (1764-1806), Principles of Nature; or, A Development of the Moral Causes of Happiness and Misery Among the Human Species
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