
Showing posts from October 9, 2020

One Flew over the Theist's Nest

Theism seemed to have scored a major victory almost 20 years ago when respected English philosopher Antony Flew, for decades the leading academic atheist and author of God and Philosophy  and other important works, announced he was a deist, although he was inconsistent on this point. (For example, his draft of a new introduction to the 2005 edition of  God and Philosophy  contained a declaration of deism--but  he deleted  it just before the book went to press.) At this time Flew was in his last years and would soon be known to be suffering dementia. All of this culminated in a book, There Is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind , published in 2009 and actually ghostwritten by Christian apologist Roy Abraham Varghese (some of whose work was re-ghostwritten at the publisher's direction by another Christian apologist).  To this day Christians who keep up with such things hail the "conversion" of Flew, with much help from obituarists a...