
Showing posts from November 10, 2020

The General Theory of Skeptical Relativity

I've heard at least one skeptical atheist say -- and I'm sure many others also believe it -- that one cannot be too much of a skeptic. But they don't really mean it. How do I know? I know because they regularly mock people who express skepticism about things they apparently believe in: evolution, vaccination, the roundness and old age of the earth, catastrophic climate change, the legitimacy of the state, and so on. (I'm doubtful of only the last two.) Why are some skeptics more equal than others? "No," the skeptical atheists are likely to reply. "We good skeptics have sound reasons for our doubt, while the bad skeptics have none for theirs." But both kinds of skeptics think they have good reasons for their doubts. Evolution-skeptics are aware of what evolution-believers regard as evidence, but the former think it is bad and possibly even fabricated. I'm not saying they are right, only that they have their reasons too. We can resolve this disagr...