Does God Deliver Objective Morality?
Christian apologists like William Lane Craig insist that what God supplies -- and which nothing else can provide -- is objective morality. What does he mean? He defines objectivity as "independent of human opinion." But that gets us nowhere because it raises this question: is Craig's so-called objective morality independent of God's opinion? It couldn't be because on Craig's terms nothing would be outside of God for it to refer to. All that God could be said to supply, then, is its own subjective capricious commandments: "Thou shalt not kill (because that's how I feel ... today. Check back with me tomorrow for possible updates.)" The term objective suggests a frame of reference -- reality -- beyond whoever expounds a proposition, including a moral proposition. But God by definition would have no such frame of reference. Therefore, his moral pronouncements would be no more objective than anyone else's. (An apologist might respond that, bei...