
Showing posts from February 1, 2023

Yahweh and Job

The Hebrew Bible is a record of one atrocity after another. Mass murder commanded by Yahweh abounds. Quentin Tarantino couldn't do it justice. And yet the pain inflicted on one man, Job, stands out as especially monstrous. On a bet, Yahweh ruins the innocent Job's life, destroying everything and everyone he loves. And when Job asks why, this all-loving, all-good, all-powerful, all-knowing god says, in effect. "Who the f*** are you to ask me? Can you do even one of the awesome things I can do without breaking a sweat?"  According to the Good Book, Yahweh opens his long megalomaniacal response by saying, "Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?" Believe in this impossible thing if you wish. But don't preach that it is worthy of adoration and worship.