What about Those Who Change Their Minds?
Theists have a field day whenever they think a prominent atheist has found God. With glee they point to the last-line reference to God in Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time , or they take a line from Richard Dawkins out of context, or they recite the suspicious story of Antony Flew's alleged late-in-life, dementia-plagued conversion either to deism or Christianity. But as far as the God question goes, these story, even if true, do not matter. They have no bearing whatsoever on whether God exists. People can have many justifications for calling themselves atheists, some good and some bad, but no reasonable atheist holds his position because someone else, -- someone "special" -- holds it. So an atheist's conversion to theism per se would mean nothing. The only thing that could possibly matter would be the new theist's justification for his conversion. It's the argument, not the person, that counts. I've yet to hear of an atheist-turned-theist...