The Most Flagrant Departures from Purity

The wrathful and unrelenting character of the Christian
divinity, is not less hostile to the immaculate principles of a sound
and excellent morality [than the Jewish version is]; imbittered in anger, and infuriate in his
vengeance, he lays his hand upon his innocent Son, and offers him up
a living sacrifice for the purposes which reason abhors, and justice
utterly disclaims. Under the modification, name, and character of the
Holy Ghost, this being introduces himself to a woman, and violates
those correct and delicate sentiments which ought to guide an
intelligent being in cases of this kind. Under the name and character
of Jesus Christ, he exhibits the most flagrant departures from the
purity of moral sentiment and moral practice.

 --Elihu Palmer (1764-1806), Principles of Nature; or, A Development of the Moral Causes of Happiness and Misery Among the Human Species


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