Moses: Mass Murderer
The causes which have produced personal celebrity are numerous,and diversified by a thousand indescribable shades in their modes ofoperation. It also sometimes happens that the means of popularexaltation and perpetual fame have been either of a passive oruncontrollable nature. Such is the fact in the present case. Mosesand Mahomet were active villains, whose characters cannot be examinedwithout horror and detestation. They were both eminent murderers, andtheir debaucheries have been signalized by acts of barbarousbrutality, of which the love-struck Solomon seems to be moredestitute. The military ferocities and immoral decrees of these two"celestial" impostors, have placed upon their characters an indeliblestain, which the pretended sanctity of the priesthood can never wipeaway!
Believers in Christianity, in reading the history and conduct ofMoses, ought to blush for his crimes, and spurn at his blasphemy inattributing these crimes to the God whom he pretended to adore. Heissues orders for the indiscriminate massacre of men, women, andchildren, in a defenceless condition, making an exception only ofthat part of the captives whose sexual predicament invited thepassions of man to indulge in the gratification of criminal desires.(See Numbers chap. xxxi. verse 18, &c.)But this is only a single specimen of the murdering temper ofthis meek man of God! From the time that he murdered the Egyptian andhid him in the sand, till the moment in which he expired, and wasburied without any man knowing where he was buried, he exhibitedexamples of legerdemain tricks, pretended familiarities with God,scenes of debauchery and malignant slaughter of the human race, whichwould disgrace the most cruel despot of ancient or modern times. Forthe truth of this remark an appeal is made to the historic detailscontained in the books of Exodus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
--Elihu Palmer (1764-1806), Principles of Nature; or, A Development of the Moral Causes of Happiness and Misery Among the Human Species
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