Has Christianity Enlightened the World?
If the introduction of [Christianity] into the world had beencalculated to accelerate the progress of human improvement, or torender mankind wiser and happier, history should have recorded theprogressive steps of this accumulating knowledge. But instead ofthis, the reverse stands confessed on the face of the record. Whendid the light of science begin to extend its benign influence overthe surface of the globe? Was it at the commencement of the Christianera, and did it keep pace with the progressive belief of theChristian doctrines? Did the mind of man receive any impulsebeneficial to the cause of knowledge, when this religion was firstpromulgated; and did the extension of useful information bear anyjustifiable relation to the diffusion of Christian principles? Didthe world become either wiser or better after this religion hadunfolded its genuine effects for more than fifteen centuries? Wasthis the cause of giving energy to the intellectual faculties of man?Were the genuine principles of science, which are contained in thesystem of nature, displayed and manifested by the establishment ofthis religion? In a word, has Christianity enlightened the world? No!But it has served as a means to suppress useful knowledge; forneither the commencement nor progressive establishment of thisreligion has contributed to useful information.
--Elihu Palmer (1764-1806), Principles of Nature; or, A Development of the Moral Causes of Happiness and Misery Among the Human Species
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