A Funny Look at the Bible

If you're looking for an informative, entertaining, irreverent, and even hilarious look at the the Bible, I highly recommend Friendly Atheist's YouTube series "Everything Wrong with...." (Hemant Mehta has a website too.) As you'll see, just about every line is absurd and uproariously funny -- the book could have been written by the Monty Python gang. It looks like Mehta started a year ago and is just now getting to the end of Genesis. I've watch a few at random and found them brilliant, not to mention educational. He cleaves to the text with the help of good graphics while offering brief droll comments that are always well put. I now plan to watch them all in order. If you want a good sample, see the one on Genesis 19, where we learn about Sodom and Gomorrah, poor Lot, his doomed wife, and his scheming incestuous daughters. You will have a laugh and go back for more, I'm sure.


  1. Maybe I shouldn't have started with Genesis 1, but I didn't find it funny, much less Monty Python funny. I'll watch Genesis 19 to see if it deserves the "uproariously funny" tag. OTOH, I do have a recommendation for you, Sabine Hossenfelder, a German physicist, found at https://www.youtube.com/c/SabineHossenfelder/videos. Most of her videos are about complex physics issues but if you scroll down there's one titled "Does God exist?" (part of a series where she examines existence of the Higgs boson, of herself and ends comparing the theories on the multiverse to religion). She also has one titled "You don't have free will, but don't worry" (but I still haven't watched it) and since you were talking about Monty Python, she has a cover of the Galaxy Song (from The Meaning of Life movie).

    1. Senses of humor differ. I find the biblical text, not Mehta, reminiscent of Python.

    2. You've watched The Life of Brian too many times :-) :-) :-)

  2. Hi Joe,

    Actually, I have already mentioned Sabine Hossenfelder to Sheldon, re: free will. ;-)

    Richard G.

    1. Hello Richard,

      I see now that you did, way back on 3 October. Although I read your and Sheldon's comments I didn't look at the video or the transcript. I only discovered Hossenfelder about a week ago on her YouTube channel, and I only watched her free will video this morning after posting here.

    2. Hi Joe,

      I like her science stuff, but I have trouble with her anti-free will position.

      Richard G.


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