Missing Commandments

Before anyone will be able to convince me that "Judeo-Christian" morality has been a great contribution to the world, he'll first have to explain why the Ten Commandments order us to keep the Sabbath and honor our parents, but don't prohibit us from keeping slaves or dishonoring our children. 

He might also explain why we don't find this: "Thou shalt presume innocent those accused of an offense until proved guilty," seeing as how something like that appeared in the 18th-century BCE Code of Hammurabi hundreds of years before the Ten Commandments were said to have been given to Moses at Mount Sinai perhaps in the 13th century BCE: "If any one bring an accusation of any crime before the elders, and does not prove what he has charged, he shall, if it be a capital offense charged, be put to death." (For the record, the Israelites were not slaves in Egypt and did not escape to Canaan through the desert, stopping at Sinai to pick up the two tablets. The book of Exodus was written much later, and not by Moses.)


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