
If we all are the children of God, then God is the greatest child abuser imaginable. I'm not referring only to the countless atrocities "reported" in the Hebrew Bible or the introduction of hell -- the threat of eternal torment -- in the New Testament. I also have in mind the prohibition of doubt. Since God sees and knows all, even a private, never-uttered micro-speck of doubt about God's existence is known to God -- and God regards that as the most egregious of sins, deserving of no less than the maximum punishment, hell for Christians and Muslims, mere annihilation for Jews. 

If that is not the sign of a monster child abuser, what would be? This is what so many people believe is worthy of worship? This is what is said to have created us precisely for the purpose of adoring it?

As someone once put it, even if God walked through the door, I'd still be an atheist.


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